
Cross Wrap donates towards children’s traffic education in Siilinjärvi

Cross Wrap supports traffic education and safety in Siilinjärvi


Cross Wrap has participated in Liikenne ry and Pieni kulkija organization’s campaigns, which both promote road safety for elementary school pupils. 

Road safety is everyone’s responsibility. Proactively teaching road safety in schools is essential in Finland, where most children walk or bike to school on their own. Cross Wrap has donated textbooks and high visibility vests to schools located in Siilinjärvi, our company’s hometown. We want to support this important topic and ensure that the way to school is as safe as possible. 

For Liikenne ry organization’s campaign, Cross Wrap has donated five traffic education books for children in Kasurila elementary school in Siilinjärvi. Children aged 7 to 12 learn traffic rules and practice traffic safety with their teachers and parents, supported by the textbook materials.  

Pieni kulkija campaign similarly promotes children’s traffic safety by equipping first graders with LED-light high visibility vests. This way even the smallest road users are easily visible to everyone. Cross Wrap has donated 20 vests for Kehvo elementary school.  

Participation diploma from Liikenne ry to Cross Wrap. 

Read more about Liikenne ry here. 

Read more about Pieni Kulkija here. 


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